Surviving the Culture Wars

Free culture and open business models. We all fall up. Πάνταῥεῖ•λόγος•πρᾱξις

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08 February 2009

Target Demographic

Posted by Thom Hastings

I will blog for two people, myself and you. As for myself, I will try to navigate the ethical contradictions in which I grew up, with an eye on the future of these ideas. As for you, you are interested in the ways to make money using free stuff.

I will blog to the target demographic which I believe has the highest demand but the smallest supply: open business models--how to make money with Creative Commons. The 'hybrid economy' is the strength of Joi Ito's talk at DLD (one of the Seven Movies of Destiny listed at the bottom of the page), and it is the subject of the following one:

Michael Masnick @ midem 2009 - NIN case study video: Connect with Fans + Reason to Buy

Then again, why try to guess at the NIN business model when Trent Reznor is perfectly transparent about it in a more recent video:


Unknown said...

One down.....MANY more to go. I will get there, my friend, believe that.
However, my thoughts on this one in particular reside in the affirmation of the idea that you can't hold back revolution. The way that the market is evolving and adapting to fit the landscape of our times is amazing to me! I never realized exactly what was going on with NIN and the strategy behind their marketing, to be honest I never even thought there was reason to question it - it felt so seamless. I just know that I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame and I suppose that that was the intended effect! Wow, I'm really excited to see how I can apply this to my ventures in the future!!
Thanks for helping me step back far enough to see the gears turning on the machine.


The Seven Movies of Destiny!

This section has problems with formatting, it's so important that it breaks the rest of the page. I'll be migrating to wordpress someday anyway.
These are the seven must-see movies on the future of business, the Internet, and culture.
  1. Lawrence Lessig @ 23C3 - On Free, and the Differences Between Culture and Code
  2. Jonathan Zittrain @ ISOC-NY - The Future of the Internet—And How to Stop It
  3. Joi Ito @ DLD 09 - On Creative Commons
  4. Lawrence Lessig, Molly S. Van Houweling, James Boyle, Joi Ito, and Jonathan Zittrain @ Berkman - The Commons: Celebrating Accomplishments, Discerning Futures
  5. Thomas Friedman @ MIT OCW - The World is Flat 3.0
  6. Pia Waugh @ VITTA - Closing Keynote: Open Source Futures
  7. Originally I had "Either a James Boyle or a Jimmy Wales or a Mark Shuttleworth or a Cory Doctorow,
    as well as everything @" here. Now, I know that the 7th Movie of Destiny is RiP: A Remix Manifesto.